The Insider: Reuben Riffel

21 November 2010 - 02:00
By Craig Jacobs

He might have replaced Gordon Ramsay's failed offering at the One&Only in Cape Town, but Reuben Riffel is not only adding another restaurant to his name after his Franschhoek and Robertson eateries - next month the talented chef launches his own range of tableware at Boardmans stores.

The range marks a collaboration with Swaziland-based glass-makers Ngwenya Glass.

How did the range come about?

I met the owners of Ngwenya Glass and saw their products at a function. I liked how they do business and they asked if I would like to get involved in terms of design for stemware and kitchen utensils.

What is the difference compared to other glassware ranges?

The design is different to what is on the market . But the best bit for me is that it was made from broken bottles that are considered rubbish.

How do you inject your personality into design?

I was involved from the beginning and discussed what I liked with the designers. Also, because these ideas were made in front of us, we could immediately see what would work or not. Trevyn and Julian (McGowan, of Source, who are overseeing the range) are amazing in their attention to detail - and the glass-blowers who take that initial idea and turn it into something tangible.

What is it about Ngwenya Glass that appeals to you?

They make beautiful, useful products from rubbish. The way they go about their business makes beautiful sense.

What for you makes useful glassware?

Something that is practical and strong while still being elegant.

Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsay?

Ha! I like both for different reasons - I like Jamie's cool, clever and quick recipes. I know that people like to hate Gordon but they all enjoy watching him when he is being an animal in the kitchen.

  • For more details on Reuben's range of glassware, go to