My City: Joburg- Ashley Hayden

14 August 2011 - 05:30
By Nikki Temkin

On her chocolate addiction, collecting pets and being a finalist in Survivor

I am... a talkative chocoholic whose friends and family are the centre of my world, and a semi-insomniac.

Where were you born? In Harare.

Where did you grow up? In small dusty towns across Zimbabwe, and for some of the time in the UK until my parents couldn't stand the weather any longer and moved back to Africa.

Where do you live? In the beautiful leafy suburb of Parkview, Johannesburg.

Who do you share your house with? My partner Charlie, kids Cara, 8, and Guy, 7, two labradors, Chance and Millions, a mongrel, Betty, an elderly cat called Splodge and the kids' hamsters.

How did you get into showbiz? My mom and dad were members of amateur dramatics societies. After studying drama at Rhodes I came to Joburg where I finally got my break as a continuity presenter with M-Net - 23 years on, I'm still working with them.

How did you get so far in Survivor and what was that like for you? Immensely gruelling, both physically and emotionally. Apart from the filth, discomfort and hunger, I missed my family appallingly (my kids were five and six). It made me see how anything is possible if you're determined enough.

How do you get around? I drive a Volvo XC60, which I adore.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I've sky dived, parasailed, and scuba dived. I draw the line at bungee jumping.

I met my partner ... nine years ago, when he arranged a dinner party at a mutual friend so that he could meet me. He walked in carrying a bunch of tulips for the hostess, and wearing a red shirt.

How has becoming a mom changed your life? I am far less self-absorbed now that I am a parent - there simply isn't time for self-indulgence. Work is not the driving force that it once was - priorities shift.

If you weren't doing what you do, you would be ... a psychologist or a lawyer.

I'm predisposed to ... midnight snacks, long, hot baths and cotton bed linen.

My most valued possession is ... my health.

What do you love most about living in Joburg? The huge energy that the city exudes, and the fact that its people are among the friendliest in the country.

What's the worst thing about living in Joburg? It can become somewhat frenetic and exhausting if you let it. I sometimes feel that I don't spend enough time smelling the coffee or roses.

One of my life mottos is: Life is not as it should be, could be, or might be. It is what it is. Now get on with it.

I can't go a day without ... Iceblue Halls sweeties.

What music are you listening to? Louis Prima, Frank Sinatra, and Michael Bublé. I listen to Highveld or Classic FM on the radio.

If your house caught fire what would you save? My kids and my photographs.

I always collect ... animals. At one point we had four dogs, three cats, eight koi, six goldfish and hamsters.

My friends and I like ... cooking.

You know you're in Joburg when? The beggar at the robot gives you the finger for not dishing out change. This really happened to me.

Perfect happiness is: A Sunday that starts with a lie-in, progresses to a coffee and croissants and newspaper reading, and ends with you still in your pj's when Carte Blanche is on.

Success to me means ... balance in all things.

Everything in moderation but ... chocolate - obviously!

I'd like to be remembered as ... kind, warm and loving.


Jasmine after winter: The first jasmine promises warmer times are on their way.

My Smeg coffee machine: Café-quality cappuccino at the push of a button.

The joyful reception that dogs give you when you come home.

Fabric shops: I love looking at material - one of my favourite pastimes is visiting fabric houses.

Cooking and eating delicious food - one of life's great pleasures

Kids on phones: Kids at a restaurant with their folks, glued to MXit.

People who: Don't pick up their dog's poop. If I took a dump on the pavement and left it there, you'd be horrified - why should it be different for doggy doo doo?

Grocery shopping: It drives me crazy that I spend time and money on such boring purchases.

Little Black book

  • Scusi, Tyrone Ave, Parkview, 0116468639

Outrageously lovely coffee shop where they don't mind if you sit on a laptop for two hours drinking a single latte.

  • Earth Outdoor Living Nursery, William Nicol Drive opposite Monte Casino, 0114655276

Interesting selection of plants - kind of like a deli for gardeners - there's also a spot for kids to play

  • Tyrone Fruit and Veg, Parkview, 0116465429

My local greengrocers, whose stock is always fresh, service great and prices that won't make your eyes water.

  • Linda's Bake and Pack, Westdene, 0114822125

They are a wholesalers for bakers and have everything you could ever need from decor to ingredients - I always bake fancy cakes for birthdays so am a regular visitor.