10 signs that you’re a geek

20 May 2016 - 02:00
By Oliver Roberts

After spending the weekend at Geekfest 2016, Oliver Roberts reckons you’re one of them when

The cast of 'The Big Bang Theory'.
Image: Supplied The cast of 'The Big Bang Theory'.

1) You know who shot first.


2) You prefer books to people.



3) You’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome from gaming.

Gallo Imgaes/iStockphoto


4) You have more than one costume in your cupboard.



5) You still have dress-up parties.

via http://geekxp.co.za/


6) Your playlist consists mostly of songs from video games and movies.


7) You’re a “browncoat”.



8) Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.


9) You use the phrase “Let me just Google that” at least once a day.


10) You know at least one word of Klingon.


Read Oliver Roberts's report on the 2016 SA Geekfest in Sunday Times Lifestyle Magazine on May 22.