Your weekly horoscope: 22 - 28 January 2017

22 January 2017 - 02:00
Image: iStock

What do the stars hold in store for you this week?

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

This year is about career. And money. And success. But first, let's fix your love life. Just because you're convinced of your own independence doesn't mean there's any need to be alone. In truth, no one wants to be alone. But everyone wants relationships on their own terms. So speak. Right now, love is after you whether you want it or not. There's no better time to decide what you want.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

The planets are yanking you out of your self pity, while placing a bomb neatly beneath your butt. It's your moment to move. If you have no direction in mind, start anywhere and you'll be directed from there. You are never as alone as you think, and help is always at hand. You're convinced you're the one doing all the helping, but that's because you've forgotten to open the doors. Windows too.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

A job offer sounds fantastic. If you're in the market, start putting yourself out there. Talk to - and listen to - everyone you meet. And make sure you know what you want. Clarity of thought and focused discipline need to be your new friends. And for those who have finally made contact with their spiritual sides, wait for the lights to come on. And watch the signs. You are powerful.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)

Calm down. The year has just started. Sure, you can fake it until you find your mark. Or until you make it - and you will make it. Work is a place to hide from the irritations at home - most of which, if you're honest, have been created by you. The energies are shifting and you haven't figured out how to shift with them. Be patient. Breathe. Think about changing your life. Let your life come to you.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

The world looks different in every way. Could it be because you're learning to see through other people's eyes? Good for you. Empathy was what you were lacking and what you're finally finding. Now's your chance to do something meaningful and fulfilling. You could use your new gifts to get them to see things your way. Take time to explain your motives and feelings. Share. Give and take.

CANCER (June 21 - Jul 22)

Uncertainty is not a word you're fond of. But, if you're honest, it's the only place from which true creativity springs. Pore over the investment portfolios if you must, but try to remember that there's a miniature crab in there, just dying to get out and play. Sideways. And yes, money is good, relationships need work and property is up. But how about a life? How about some mindless fun?

LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Isn't it fabulous when everything seems to be going your way? Smirk if you will, but don't forget the odd sympathetic message to those who lost out. Also, don't fret if the goodies arrive more slowly than you'd hoped. Just make sure you've done all you can do and then move on to something else. Everything has its own time span. Saturday's new moon sends your love life in a fascinating direction.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Career prospects are improving daily. Needless to say, that "don't-worry-about-me" side is looking for a place to hide. But the planets are beaming down on you. Make your mark while you have enthusiastic helpers on your side. Get rich, learn more, teach what you know, share, make your life mean something. It's time. Success is just a moment away, as long as you believe you're worth it.

LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

A piece of paradise has dropped into your lap for a visit. For now, there's nothing you can't accomplish. Accept all invitations and make a point of saying hello. You never know who's out there and cosmic gifts don't always come with name tags. Share. Buy surprise gifts. Money flourishes best where the energy flows freely. Luck and opportunity are yours for the taking. Play, experiment, win.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Prepare for confusion as you wake up to your new year wondering who you are and where you're going. This is a normal part of a new cycle, but, for you, there's something else. Something opening up and looking around. Watch and learn. Start writing your journal today. This is where it gets interesting. The moment you stop trying to control the flow, is the moment the flow finds its rhythm.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

What exactly is meant by cash-flow problems? Is it simply an interesting term for "broke"? Or does it have something to do with a stoppage further up the river? Well, you're about to find out as your personal dam becomes unblocked. First, learn to respect every cent. Second, remember there are still bills to pay. Pay them with love. If you resent them, you create more blockages.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

You may think your life is not going according to plan. Look again - this is what's known as self-sabotage. Just when opportunities start pouring in, some tiny part of you decides it doesn't deserve all this success. Sound familiar? Don't do this to yourself. Change your thinking and grab the prize. At once. You'll wait a long time for another one this good. Remember to be grateful.