Level Up: App, podcast & game of the week

Sylvia McKeown reviews 'Tasty', 'Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine' and 'Overwatch Summer Games'

04 August 2017 - 03:10
By Sylvia McKeown
Doomfist, a kick-ass new character on Overwatch.
Image: PlayOverwatch/YouTube Doomfist, a kick-ass new character on Overwatch.

GAME: Overwatch Summer Games

Last year's Game of the Year, and arguably the world's most popular team-based multiplayer online first-person shooter, Overwatch keeps on delivering. First with their new character Doomfist and now with the return of the Summer Games (a limited-time event that'll run from August 8 - 29), which was first introduced last year in celebration of the Rio Olympic Games.

Expect new character skins, last year's skins at a reduced price, and the return of Lúcioball - this time to be played in Sydney - sporting a new competitive mode allowing players to rank.

If for some odd reason you don't have Overwatch yet, now is the time to fix that.

Available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

WATCH an introduction to Overwatch's new character Doomfist

PODCAST: Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine

Comedian Justin McElroy - one of the brothers from hit comedy podcast My Brother, My Brother and Me - and his doctor wife, Sydnee, take you on a tour through the history of medical practices, leaving no gross stone unturned.

Combining a healthy dose of comedy with the hard facts, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone who loves bizarre truths. Like how tattoos were used to treat illness and how hot oil was poured into gunshot wounds.

Listen to 'Sawbones' at maximumfun.org/shows/sawbones

APP: Tasty

Can't help yourself looking when a stray recipe video scrolls onto your timeline? Neither can we, and Buzzfeed's Tasty is a most welcoming culprit, with fun, fast and easy recipes, shot well. Now you can find all the videos in one place thanks to their new comprehensive app.

Get tonight's dinner inspiration with a quick scroll through their dedicated categories - or search your fridge contents for the tastiest option. It houses the recipes from all the Tasty regions (Tasty Japan is my personal favourite) in English so you have no excuse not to make that teriyaki.

Available for Apple and Android

This article was originally published in The Times.