Top tips for finding your perfect diamond engagement ring

Let us guide you to your dream ring

18 September 2017 - 13:44

Just like your love, an engagement ring is forever. Here are a few tips from Sterns’ gemmologist, Mitesh Khan, to help you find the perfect symbol of your everlasting love.  

1. Look for brilliance

When choosing a diamond, hold it up to the light and observe how the light dances around as it reflects through the stone. You’ll also see a rainbow spectrum of colour. That’s what you want. The colours you see mean that the stone has a beautiful brilliance.

2. Try it on for size

Try on an assortment of rings in different sizes and different settings. You have to try on a variety of styles to know not only what you want, but also what suits your lifestyle and compliments your finger.


3. Consider the setting and the metal

The style and metal of a setting should always work together to enhance your gem. The style and detail of the ring creates the overall beauty for the piece, so evaluate how well these elements work together, in accordance with your taste.

4. Consider the 4 Cs

Colour, clarity, cut and carat are not just for diamond graders – they make each diamond unique and special. When choosing your perfect ring, research the different Cs and decide which are important for you. This will help in your search for the perfect diamond and guide you to your dream ring. Learn more about the 4 Cs here.

Explore engagement rings here on the Sterns website or create your dream ring through Sterns’ “Made for You” service. Email or enquire at your nearest store. Find your nearest Sterns here.

This article was paid for by Sterns.