
Your weekly horoscope: November 11 - 17 2018

What do the stars hold in store for you?

11 November 2018 - 00:00
By linda shaw AND Linda Shaw
What do the stars have to say?
Image: Supplied What do the stars have to say?


October 23 - November 21

The planets are about to sort themselves out, more or less. Love and money get fixed on Thursday, but communications go bananas on Friday. Opportunities are better, but misunderstandings are guaranteed. You're doing a fantastic job at work; gaining attention in all the right quarters. Be careful who you play with though. Not everyone is on your side. Trust your instincts for a while.


November 22 - December 21

It's time to sort out your life. Just because you were born lucky and everyone loves you, doesn't mean you're not required to make the occasional effort. This is the week for it. So stand up, look around and do what has to be done. You know what's needed. Your talents are endless and your instincts superb. Don't worry about friends or lovers. This week is all about you.


December 22 - January 19

Once you go ahead with your plans, everything will look so much easier, especially at work. For now, there's no need to take anyone else into account. You have the chance to do something you've wanted to do for ages, irrespective of complaints. The personal life should, theoretically, be improving - but probably won't. One nutty planet has just been replaced by another - bringing confusion all round.


January 20 - February 18

Just because you're perfectly happy getting on with your own thing doesn't mean that's what you'll be doing. You're a brilliant natural leader - the world is changing, and you're the one showing the others how to change with it. Get out there and help. Take your friends along for the ride. You can play next week. This week, the planets are shifting - and confusion reigns.


February 19 - March 20

You're procrastinating again and driving yourself crazy with guilt until it's almost too late. This pattern doesn't serve you well. Though this may not be the easiest week to change your brand of weirdness, it's an excellent time to start. The planets are shifting and the universe is turning on its head. How about creating a new you: an efficient you; a you without guilt; a you that does stuff when it needs to be done.


March 21 - April 19

The career is shifting, and you'll need to educate yourself if you're hoping to keep up. There'll be power trips from people who'll help you - but only if you're willing to grovel a little. Just remember: ego is very boring when it stops you being happy. And your personal life? The less said about that the better. Stay home on the nights when you're feeling particularly wicked.


April 20 - May 20

Your personal planet is about to get back where she belongs. Relief all round. This has been a nightmare for you as you've had to figure out all your own moves without a role model. Anyway, she's back. There'll be other dramas to deal with - communication mostly - but you'll cope with that. The most important thing is that you're back in your own saddle and your love life is about to swing into action.


May 21 - June 20

Just for a while, you get to do madly important things - enjoying yourself as you go. This doesn't happen often so you'll need to be strong. You may need some help - so be charming. The communication planet is about to take a left turn on Saturday, so round up a team of supporters. Whatever you're busy with, it's about to take off.


June 21 - July 22

Take a breath. You're getting caught up in everyone else's drama and losing track of your life. Enough. Help if you can and if you really want to, but martyrdom is out. You do not need to sacrifice your own life for someone else's. True, there won't be much time for a personal life this week, but that might come as a relief. You need to get your ducks in a row and your health is suffering. Honestly. Sit down. Make some tea.


July 23 - August 22

Pay close attention to what's going on around you. Brilliant new ideas are popping out, inspired by the people you meet and the things you see. There's so much going on and it's up to you to find the creative source and breathe life into the moments. Take a different route. Make a new plan. The universe is opening up to any of you who are prepared to get up and take a chance.


August 23 - September 22

Ignore the drama in everyone else's life and give yourself some attention. Your planet is about to take a three-week dive so you'll need to be ready. Tune into those instincts. The intellect loses focus when the communication planet is out of sync - so you'll need to rely on the right brain for a change. Which means trusting yourself.


September 23 - October 22

There are consequences to every move you make - some are fantastic and just what you wanted. But mostly you are being rapped over the knuckles. This is the last of a six-week nightmare that's dragged you through every room in the heartbreak hotel. By Saturday, you'll be leaving for happier climes. Which means love will be possible again next week. For now, protect your heart and don't listen to anyone's mad promises to love you forever.