South Africans share life lessons learnt the hard way

22 May 2019 - 06:41
By Unathi Nkanjeni
Social media users have been sharing inspirational lessons under the hashtag #ILearntTheHardWayThat.
Image: iStock/CentralITAlliance Social media users have been sharing inspirational lessons under the hashtag #ILearntTheHardWayThat.

Nothing good comes easily. Pursuing anything worthwhile comes with challenges.

Most of the time, we can learn important lessons from people who have already been there and done that. But their advice is seldom taken in advance, forcing us to learn the hard way - from experience.

As a result, social media users took to Twitter on Tuesday to share their lessons from the school of hard knocks, using the hashtag #ILearntTheHardWayThat.

While most agreed that life isn't easy, some suggested that it takes trial and error to learn anything worthwhile.

Here are some of the top tweets: