The Kiffness' five-step guide to reaching meme-kween status

The social-media phenomenon (real name David Scott) shares his golden rules for going viral - and tells us about his personal favourite posts

31 May 2020 - 00:56 By Mila de Villiers
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David Scott of The Kiffness has a great sense of humour.
David Scott of The Kiffness has a great sense of humour.
Image: The Kiffness/Press

Lockdown parody videos, satirical tunes about white privilege and assuring people that no, Cat Stevens is not his biological dad aside, The Kiffness (aka David Scott aka founder of the eponymous Cape Town-based electro act) has become synonymous with #trending social-media posts owing to the oke's too-kiff-to-be-miff™ meme expertise.

From calling out Constantia moms disregarding the Mother City's "no baths during the water crisis" ruling to paying tribute to Lay's discontinued salt-and-vinegar flavour, The Kiffness' knack for creating relatable memes has struck a chord with us Saffas.

Here's an intro to meme-ing-101 courtesy of the face behind the verified ticks: 

1. Don't let your memes be dreams.

2. Never force an idea.

3. Always punch up. Never punch down.

4. Separate yourself from your ego.

5. Share what you enjoy or find interesting, not what you think others might enjoy or find interesting.



This is a very silly meme. I always thought Nick Mallet looked a bit like George Clooney, so I wanted to share this idea in a tongue-in-cheek way.

I'm proud of this meme because I laughed more at his retort than my initial tweet. I think it's very important to be able to take what you dish out.


I made this hashtag soon after Uyinene [Mrwetyana's] murder and the #AmINext hashtag started trending.

I'm proud of this meme because the narrative around the hashtag was very anti-men (and rightfully so). I wanted to provide a narrative that suggests "yes, men are bad and men need to acknowledge their flaws, but men can change".


I'm proud of this one because it started the #FafChallenge, which later went on to become a legitimate challenge to post a picture in your Speedo to raise awareness around testicular cancer.

I'm also incredibly proud that I was able to make a medal out of a can of tuna and a lanyard.


I was once a member of the #ImStaying group on Facebook but I got kicked out for suggesting that half the people on the group are from overseas and need to start their own group called #ImComingBack.

I'm proud of this meme because it's funny and pokes fun at the Orwellian nature of the #ImStaying group.


I made this meme during Black Friday last year.

I'm proud of this one because it speaks to the core of what I believe. The answers we're all looking for in life aren't in material things or anything outside of ourselves. The answers lie within.

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