FREE TO READ | Amid NHI uproar, medical cover options must still be considered

Exclusionary aspects of the bill not yet in force

10 June 2024 - 13:57
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It's business as usual for medical aid schemes amid the controversial implementation of the NHI Bill in SA.
It's business as usual for medical aid schemes amid the controversial implementation of the NHI Bill in SA.
Image: 123RF/peopleimages12

There has been a huge outcry and threats of litigation in response to the signing of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill in May. One of the central issues is the future role of medical schemes and private health care once the NHI is fully implemented, given that the act states that medical schemes will not be able to provide cover for services that are paid for by the NHI.

Discovery, the largest open medical scheme currently, says that limiting the role of medical schemes would be counter-productive to the NHI because there are currently insufficient resources to meet the needs of all South Africans. Medical schemes have been quick to reassure members that it is business as usual — for now.

Lee Callakoppen, principal officer of Bonitas Medical Fund explains that it is  essential that, when doing financial planning for your future, you factor in the necessary medical aid and funds to access the level of care required.

When individuals are considering enrolling in a medical scheme, speaking to an advisor can provide essential guidance, says Zerina Richards, advisor sales manager at Bestmed Medical Scheme.


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