A Complete Unknown hits a bum note

The acting and impersonations are impressive but the plot leaves viewers with no clue as to who Bob Dylan is, or why he moved on from his folkie roots

19 January 2025 - 18:23

Perhaps no figure in 20th century pop culture has been as intensely scrutinised, misunderstood and mythologised as Bob Dylan, the boy born Robert Allen Zimmerman in Duluth, Minnesota in 1941. Twenty years later he arrived on the folk scene of New York’s Greenwich Village and within four years became its leading light and the messianic prophet of 1960s social protest and youthful idealism. By 1965, when he plugged in his guitar and left his purist folk base in a haze of outraged electric-fuzz-blasted dust, Dylan was well on to his way to carving out one of the most singular, polarising and constantly reinventive creative careers in history that now includes 40 studio albums and has earned him every imaginable accolade from Grammy to Oscar, Pulitzer Prize to the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature...

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