10 fantastic style tips from one of the world’s best-dressed men (who hails from SA!)

10 March 2016 - 14:00
By Oliver Roberts

British GQ magazine recently named Capetonian blogger Sergio Ines one of the 10 best-dressed men on Instagram. He shares tips that'll help you steal his style...

Capetonian Sergio Ines always looks dapper.
Image: Supplied Capetonian Sergio Ines always looks dapper.

1. Fit first

Above all make sure your clothes fit you properly. The most expensive suit will look cheap if it doesn't fit you properly, so always go for fit over price. If it feels a little small, it's probably perfect. A well-tailored suit is to a woman what lingerie is to a man.

2. Never buy cheap shoes

It is impossible to appear well dressed in cheap shoes. In strong contrast to rule number 1, when it comes to shoes, spend as much as you can afford and always buy leather. Good leather shoes will last you much longer and often look better with time so consider it an investment.

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3. Don’t let the outfit wear you

Confidence is key when you wear anything. The moment you look uncomfortable in what you have on, you will appear badly dressed. If you choose to wear something risky, then own it, I guarantee you'll get far more compliments that way.

4. Don’t give in to fashion

Never buy anything that you can't immediately pair with at least three items you already own. Men often make the mistake of buying something they think will make them standout or be fashionable, then quickly realise they don't know how to wear it. When in doubt stick to something classic that suits you, after all style has nothing to do with fashion.

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5. Every occasion has minimum standards

Check your invite. What does it say? If it says formal, don't show up in a pair of jeans and a button up shirt with pizza stains. Looking good isn't self importance, it's a sign of self respect and better yet, respect to your host in dressing accordingly for their event. Remember, you can never be overdressed or over educated.

6. When you're asking for money, wear a tie

You can have anything you want if you dress for it. First appearances count, so you always dress for the job you want and not the job you have. Wearing a tie is always a good first step, so make sure you tie it properly. Remember the bottom of the tie should reach the top of your pants - no shorter or longer.

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7. Get noticed without trying to get noticed

Take the time to plan your outfits or buy your clothes, consider every detail, then wear it nonchalantly as if it required no effort. Here's a little tip - make sure one thing on your outfit does not match, it will definitely get you noticed.

8. Know the rules

Men’s fashion is actually pretty simple, it hasn't changed in the same way that women's has. For the most part we have the same clothing we have had for more than 100 years. There are rules in place for how we are meant to wear them; things like matching your belt to your shoes or your socks to your pants. Once you know and practice the rules, you can learn how to break them.

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9. In the navy

If you're only going to own one suit, make sure it's navy. A navy suit is the most versatile you will own (followed closely by charcoal) as it works for both evening and daywear and can be dressed up or down in any which way you want. A simple adjustment like brown shoes over black, can take your navy suit from formal to casual.

10. The only thing that should come in pairs are gloves and shoes

Never purchase anything that comes pre-packaged, like a shirt and tie combo, or a tie and pocket square. You will quickly find that they are poorly made and will make you look poorly dressed. Besides, it takes all the fun out of injecting your personal style into your outfit! The same goes for pre-tied bow ties, learn how to tie a bow tie and you will never look back.

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For loads of serious style inspiration, read Ines's blogWhatmyboyfriendwore.com, or follow him on Instagram (@sergio_ines) or Twitter (@whatmybfwore).