Gin & peach cooler

22 November 2015 - 02:00
By Callie Maritz & Mari-Louis Guy
<p><b>Gin & peach cooler</p></b>
<p>This sparkling cocktail is made with freshly-pressed peach juice - it's sure to become your go-to sundowner this summer.</p>
Image: Justin Patrick

Gin & peach cooler

This sparkling cocktail is made with freshly-pressed peach juice - it's sure to become your go-to sundowner this summer.

This sparkling cocktail is made with freshly-pressed peach juice - it's sure to become your go-to sundowner this summer

Makes: 4-6

Difficulty: Easy, 10 minutes


3 soft ripe white peaches

100g (1/2 cup) sugar

200ml gin

Juice of 1 lime or a lemon

Ice cubes

Soda water

Freshly mint, to serve


1) Cut a small cross in the bottom of each peach with a sharp knife.

2) Bring a small pot of water to the boil and cook the peaches for 4-5 minutes. Plunge into a bowl of iced water to cool.

3) Peel the peaches, then press the soft flesh through a sieve.

4) Stir the sugar, gin and lime or lemon juice into the peaches and pour into glasses over ice.

5) Top with soda water and serve garnished with mint.