Easter macarons

16 April 2017 - 02:00
By Jenna Short
<p><b>Easter macarons</b></p>
<p>This French delicacy is fairly easy to master if you follow the recipe to the letter. These ones are 'dressed up' as hot cross buns as a nod to the holidays.</p>
Image: Christoph Hoffman. Styling: Hilary Biller

Easter macarons

This French delicacy is fairly easy to master if you follow the recipe to the letter. These ones are 'dressed up' as hot cross buns as a nod to the holidays.

This French delicacy is fairly easy to master if you follow the recipe to the letter. These ones are 'dressed up' as hot cross buns as a nod to the holidays

Makes: 24-36

Difficulty: Takes some skill

Time: 90 minutes


200g egg whites (about 6 extra large egg whites)

200g caster sugar

250g icing sugar, sieved

250g ground almonds

Gold or brown gel colouring

Mixed spice


1) Preheat the oven to 120°C.

2) Make a French meringue by placing the egg whites into the mixing bowl of an electric mixer and whisking on medium speed. Once the egg whites are frothy, add the caster sugar a teaspoonful at a time then whip on high till the mixture has formed stiff peaks.

3) In a food processor combine the icing sugar and ground almonds. Process until combined then sieve again into a large mixing bowl.

4) Add ⅓ of the meringue to the ground-almond mixture and mix well until combined then fold in the remaining of the meringue and DON'T overmix.

5) Take ¼ out cup of mixture and set aside.

6) Add a few drops of gold or brown colouring to remaining mixture and fold in gently without overmixing.

7) Place the coloured mixture into a piping bag with a round nozzle and pipe circles about the size of a R5 coin onto silicone baking mats or nonstick baking paper on baking trays - you will need a couple.

8) Place the reserved white mixture in a piping bag with a small nozzle and pipe a cross over each circle.

9) Bang the trays a few times to remove any air bubbles then allow the macarons to form a skin by standing on the counter until dry to the touch - it will take about 15 minutes.

10) Bake in the centre of the oven for 12-15 minutes.

11) Remove from the oven and, without touching, allow to cool completely.

12) Sprinkle each macaron lightly with mixed spice. If desired paint the white crosses with melted dark chocolate using a fine pastry brush and allow to set. Sandwich them together with vanilla buttercream.