Meet Down Under's most popular food blogger, her dog and a new cookbook
In 2014, Nagi Maehashi gave up a high-powered job and started RecipeTin Eats to share her passion for creating affordable everyday meals with the wow factor
Nagi Maehashi is the voice, cook and photographer behind RecipeTin Eats, an Australian food site with 5-million followers. With her much-loved dog Dozer, her official food tester, Maehashi has captured the market with her recipes and it's easy to see why — they are easy, quick and so inspiring you just want to get into the kitchen. They also offer a quick solution to that what's for dinner question and almost 90% of the 140-million visitors to her site each year are doing just that, searching for ideas. Following on from that success, she recently published her first cookbook, RecipeTin Eats: Dinner, in which she has curated the most popular ideas from her site. Here, we share five...
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