5 ways to hang up your hangover
The best ways to deal with your post-indulgence misery
Although there's no failsafe way to deal with hangovers, you can mitigate the pain and misery to some extent. The three-in-one punishment for having the extra tequila (that lead to four tequilas and some unforgettable behaviour, though you can't remember what it was) consists of dehydration, hormone dysfunction and a run-down immune system. This in turn leads to a pounding head, nausea, dizziness and sometimes indigestion, with a little indignation thrown in for good measure. Just when you're wailing, "Why do I poison myself like this?" and the classic rejoinder, "I'm never drinking again" - remember there are things you can do to take the pain away. However, these don't include a Bloody Mary with extra Tabasco...
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