Are you one of the 4.7m who flew on Africa's busiest air route last year?

Almost 13‚000 people fly between Johannesburg and Cape Town every day‚ making it the busiest passenger air route in Africa and the 12th busiest in the world.
In 2017‚ an average of 95 flights a day covered the 1‚271km dividing OR Tambo and Cape Town international airports‚ and research by aviation network development‚ conferences and events organiser Routes said a total of 4.7 million passengers filled them.
South Africa features in six of Africa’s top 10 busiest routes:
1. Johannesburg OR Tambo-Cape Town
2. Johannesburg OR Tambo-Durban King Shaka
3. Cairo International-Jeddah
4. Abuja-Lagos
5. Johannesburg Lanseria-Cape Town
6. Durban King Shaka-Cape Town
7. Johannesburg OR Tambo-Port Elizabeth
8. Johannesburg OR Tambo-Dubai International
9. Cairo International-Riyadh King Khalid
10. Cairo International-Kuwait
The OR Tambo-Cape Town route has twice as many passengers as the busiest link in Europe‚ between the French cities of Paris and Toulouse.
Around 7‚900 passengers a day make the 500km air journey between Johannesburg and Durban‚ and 3‚400 fly between Cape Town and Johannesburg’s second airport‚ Lanseria.
Durban to Cape Town flights carry 3‚100 passengers a day‚ and 3‚000 people fly between OR Tambo and Port Elizabeth.
The surge in the fortunes of Emirates airline is revealed in the popularity of the 6‚420km flight from Johannesburg to Dubai. The airline — the only carrier on the route — operated four times a day each way‚ carrying a total of 2‚800 passengers.