Burning Man Festival fires at influencers

24 February 2019 - 00:00 By Elizabeth Sleith

The organisers of the US Burning Man are fed up with influencers, who in recent years have been increasingly using the festival as a backdrop for shoots and product placements.
They aren't too happy about the rise in high-priced insta-campsites either, since the annual gathering in the Black Rock desert in Nevada is meant to be a temporary village, built by the participants and taken away when they leave.
Festival CEO Marian Goodell called out the practice in a recent blog post, saying: "Part of what makes Burning Man . powerful is that everyone has to work hard to be there."
She also said she was "stunned" by the growing "commodification and exploitation of Black Rock City and Burning Man culture".
"Whether it's commercial photo shoots, product placements, or Instagram posts ... attendees including fashion models and social media 'influencers' are wearing and tagging brands in their photos. This means they are using Black Rock City to increase their popularity; to appeal to customers; and sell more stuff."
Goodall announced changes to the ticketing process, which will reduce the space allocated to insta-camps and prioritise those who contribute to the event...

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