Your best holidays for 2021 — according to your star sign
Astrologer shares the best picks for every sign, and who would make the best travel companions

There are three important things in the life of an Aries: a personal crusade; always coming first; and a grand passion. Only two things will stop them dead in their tracks: boredom and a sudden discovery that they can't win. Most of all, they want their holiday to be a challenge.
They'll join a safari deep in the African bush or climb the Himalayas barefoot. They'll get married in a cave under the sea, or trek through the desert on a camel to deliver food to starving children.
They'll happily take any other adventurers with them — Sagittarians, Geminis, Aquarians. Another Aries would compete for leadership — so one of them only as a last resort.
There are two Taurean types.
The first is the archetypal nature's child who wears wholewheat sandals and peace signs and has more animals than children and lets them all sleep on the family bed.
The second type is known for their innate taste and style; they know what's fashionable and where to eat; they equate good food and excellent wine with the best that life has to offer.
For either, holidays are about indulgence and hedonism. A tour of the Stellenbosch winelands would only be complete with magnificent hotels and delicious food. A luxury cruise would provide fun for the kids and relaxation for the adults. A tour of the red light districts in Amsterdam would appeal to their sensual side. Most of all, though, they like to know exactly what they're in for.
And they'll surround themselves with equally organised Taureans, Capricorns, Virgos and the occasional Libra.
Gemini loses interest quickly and is always on the lookout for more stimulation, greater excitement, wilder adventure. Each experience is yet another source of wonder and fascination, no matter what form it takes. They're natural networkers, flitting butterflies and wonderful friends. And they don't do anything alone.
So they'd love one of those Club Med jaunts where everyone joins in. Or a Contiki tour where each day is different and new friendships are guaranteed. They might explore the Hong Kong nightlife or gamble away a fortune in Las Vegas.
And they'd take their buddies with them — the ones who could keep up — most likely Aries, another Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They'd have a blast.
They don't mean to be bossy. They genuinely want to help. It's just that their way tends to be the best way. Anyone who's been to one of their parties knows that. And anyone who's penniless and starving knows to pop round to their kitchen, where there will always be a pot of something on the boil. Cancerians like to take care of people — and, of course, to be taken care of.
They'd be happy in a self-catering apartment by the sea — as long as there's shopping close by. They'd love a log cabin in the mountains with a huge fire. In short, anything cosy and inviting, where their needs are taken care of and the odd massage is part of the deal.
They'd like to be surrounded by family and old friends — the people they've been on holiday with for the past 20 years. It doesn't matter if they're not their favourite people. The point is they're familiar.
Ever watched a caged lion prowling up and down in a rage? That's what you'll get if you try limiting the Leo in any way. But set them free, and they'll fascinate, intrigue, adore and frustrate anyone with the courage to stick around.
In general, Leos are outrageously romantic, wildly generous and extremely entertaining. So they'll want a few buddies with them wherever they go. And that will be anywhere they can shine. They'd be happy doing a tour of the shows in London's West End; shopping in the Dubai markets; or on a luxury African safari.
Leo can make anyone fall in love with them, although they'd probably be happiest among Pisceans, Cancerians, Geminis and Sagittarians.
In truth, it is Virgo's undoubted intelligence, rather than their perfectionism, that endears them to their fellow man. So yes, they've probably been planning their holiday for the past two years, but they also turn into the most wonderful hosts when the mood grabs. They are best known for their self-sufficiency, vast capabilities and incredible efficiency in getting the job done.
If there are holidays to be arranged, Virgo will have organised everything down to the smallest detail. They like to feel they've learnt something and have been somewhere new so a tour of the Italian museums would be nice, as would a visit to the pyramids of Egypt.
Virgos don't mind travelling alone, though they're happy to team up with anyone who appreciates their efforts. They would have a ball with Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces.
In their capacity as a born diplomat, they're acutely aware that their major task in life is to help those around them to feel good about themselves.
Libra can make a tea party at the zoo feel like a diamond-studded royal visit. Even so, they have a natural feel for what is fashionable and stylish and what would be appreciated by everyone. They might arrange a boat trip to Bali or a visit to the New York night spots. They'll love Monaco and dream about a trip to the South of France. If there's no money, they'll organise some.
And they'll have the best time with similarly upmarket friends - other Librans, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.
Scorpios will research, plan, organise and manage every tiny detail — while obviously expecting everyone concerned to do as they're told. Even in adolescence, there's a feeling about them that there's nothing they can't handle. That cool, detached, incisive intelligence is always useful.
At their best, they are sympathetic, intuitive, emotionally understanding and genuinely caring. They're the most loyal friends in the world, and always fascinating to be with.
On holiday, their rarely seen relaxed side comes out. They're fascinated by anywhere that teaches them something new, so they'll often be found amongst the artworks in Italy or deep-sea diving in the Maldives. They love water and are fascinated by boats and sea animals. Mostly, though, their thoughts are their own. They'll find something intriguing about every country they visit — probably making notes as they go.
They'd be happiest holidaying with more relaxed companions - the kind who don't mind their occasional bossiness: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo and even Cancer.
The classic adventurer, they seem to be going in a thousand directions at once — fun, free, spontaneous, funny, full of life and mischievous charm. Restlessness is an understatement for what they feel. Their low boredom threshold keeps them constantly on the move. They love airports, strange places and foreign people. And when the urge to roam grabs them, neither a pulsating love life nor a string of responsibilities can hold them down.
Any adventure is a great adventure, though they seldom see any point in going anywhere without a mountain to climb or a dolphin to discover. They'll parachute out of a plane or scuba dive off an unknown coast. It simply doesn't occur to them to be afraid. They'd be just as happy in a flop-house in Singapore as a five-star hotel in Paris.
And they make friends as they go. They're not fussy about who they are or where they're from. Everyone is equally fascinating to them.
The wonderful thing about Aquarians is they have no judgment. No-one is too weird, too ugly, too beautiful or too down-market for someone who only sees yet another source of fascinating information.
Holidays for them are just another source of information and adventure too. They'll happily spend a month in an ashram in India, then teach English in Vietnam for a year. They'll work on yachts in the Caribbean. If they're wealthy enough, they'll hire yachts in the Caribbean.
And as they go, they'll pick up friends. It won't matter where they come from. They'll cheerfully chat to them all.
They're ambitious, successful and not afraid to be in charge. There's nobody more loyal, dedicated or convinced that they're in the right place at the right time. They're patient, sensible, conscientious and eternally responsible. They never rush into decisions before they've thought them through from every angle and they do like to take control. So any trip organised by them will be organised. There's no room for error in the Capricorn itinerary.
It's most likely they'll only take one companion — and they'll book into somewhere beautiful, green, quiet and close to the sea, a cottage on a beach or a tiny hotel no-one's ever heard of.
The kindest soul you'll ever meet, Pisces is sensitive, caring and incredibly romantic. But practical, they are not. If Pisces is organising the holiday, it's bound to be a disaster. The hotel will have been booked at different times to the flight. Passports will be out of date. And money will be left on the train. Generally, it's better if someone else makes the plans.
What Pisces wants from a holiday is either a romantic getaway or a spiritual awakening. If they can't have either, they're happy to go along with whatever ride the others are planning. They're easily able to adapt to their surroundings, and happy to chat to whomever is there. But if they're making the plans, they're probably a nervous wreck who has already started on their second bottle of wine.
Pisces needs to go away with someone who can handle boring details — someone like Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer or even Aries.