Danny Jordaan accused of shielding Safa 'sex pest'
Soccer boss 'halted probe into official'
As soccer boss Danny Jordaan maintains his silence following claims by singer Jennifer Ferguson that he raped her, new allegations have surfaced that he failed to act against a sex-pest employee.
The senior South African Football Association official at the centre of the scandal - whose name is known to the Sunday Times - was accused of sexually propositioning a 22-year-old male intern on two occasions in 2014. He was also accused of raping a male caterer at a Safa Christmas party in 2015.
And while Safa this week claimed action had been taken, it refused to give further details.In December 2015, a criminal case was opened against the Safa official after he allegedly forced himself on a male caterer at Safa's Christmas party at Fun Valley outside Johannesburg.
The Sunday Times has seen an e-mail sent to Safa at the time by the catering company, Sebabatso Catering and Hiring Services, detailing the rape allegation and requesting a meeting with CEO Dennis Mumble.
"As they finished with the decorations very late at night it was decided that the employees will sleep over and Safa will make sleeping arrangements for the two employees," the e-mail read.
"[The following day] one of the employees complained to the company MD that as they slept ... [the manager] raped him and also sexually harassed [the other catering employee] as they were sharing a room with him."
It said the two men had opened a case with police...
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