The ring of fire
The sight of fire raging out of control stokes primal fears about community, home and safety — and should spark conversations about what will be an ever more common danger in all our lives, writes Jonathan Ancer
25 April 2021 - 00:00
Last Sunday morning at 8am I joined a dozen cyclists at the Rhodes Memorial cattle grid to escort Jean du Plessis on his 200th ride to the Blockhouse since October 1 last year. Jean has been cycling up the slopes of Table Mountain in a gesture of what he calls "slow burn" solidarity with women who have been abused. We reached the Blockhouse an hour later and were joined by hikers, runners and Pilot the Great Dane to mark a remarkable double century of Blockhousing. Jean looked exhausted - determined, but exhausted - and I wondered how many more Blockhouse trips he would be able to endure...
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