Mamokgethi Phakeng on keeping the faith and fighting to the bitter end
UCT vice-chancellor Mamokgethi Phakeng, at the centre of the university’s latest crisis, has no intention of quitting without a fight
27 November 2022 - 00:00
An orange Suzuki Jimny, one of more than a million I’ve spotted in Cape Town, gently swerves to a stop on the University of Cape Town (UCT) lower campus. Out steps a woman who is no taller than a broom. She’s in a navy bell-skirt, sleeveless white and navy striped top, flat pumps and a matching navy wristband. She greets me in SeTswana before opening the gate to Glenara, official residence of the vice-chancellor. I steal a look at the words tattooed on her upper arms: “Believe” and “Forgiven”...
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