How kwaito and gqom are thriving in Durban
In the rich history and growth of Durban’s dance music scene, kwaito and gqom still seem to have a place as they naturally adapt and fuse to other genres to create a new sound
07 July 2024 - 00:00
“Phakishani, Phakishani, Phakishani/ Ziph’ iy’khwama/ Phakishanix3/ Siyahamba manje/ Phakishani x3/ Siy’ eDurban.” This chant, which loosely translates as “Pack your bags, we are going to Durban,” echoes the first few seconds of T’zozo En Professor’s 2006 track Woz’ eDurban. These lines, sung in Zulu and with conviction, felt like an open invitation to the city. The song grandly introduced the rest of the country to Durban’s take on kwaito, which at the time was predominantly produced by artists in Johannesburg. ..
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