Towards a competitive mining industry in South Africa

The establishment of an autonomous mining agency would go a long way to solving the sector's problems

20 November 2022 - 00:00 By Lawrence Khoza

In his magisterial book, The Founders: The Origins of the ANC and the Struggle for Democracy in South Africa, Andre Odendaal writes about the many criticisms directed at the missionary-run Isigidimi Sama-Xhosa newspaper in the 1880s. The renowned correspondent Jonas Ntsiko, known by his nom de plume Hadi Waseluhlangeni, compared Isigidimi to a warrior whose enemies had hurled so many spears in his body that it looked like a porcupine. This is a conclusion one is tempted to make with regard to mining in South Africa. Captains of industry, senior government officials, trade unions and communities all have directed attacks at the industry, to the extent that many are pessimistic about the future of mining in the country.  ..

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