Tol Ass Mo reflects on the jokes he'll never tell

18 July 2016 - 10:00
By TMG Entertainment

He may be one of the funniest (and most crazy) guys in comedy, but not everything is a joke for Tol Ass Mo.

In an intimate moment of reflection, Tol Ass Mo took to Instagram recently to talk about the serious side of comedy.


The man you would think probably even dreams in jokes, insists there is a line in comedy that he cannot cross.

"Being a comedian and making people laugh has always been close to my heart. I have however seen family and friend’s pass on due to various health conditions and that has never been a funny story for me," he wrote, as part of a campaign.

He went on to explain that serious illness is another no-go because it is a tragedy that they did not choose to have.


"I feel that you can’t exactly make fun of someone if they are really ill because they did not cause that upon themselves. We all will be faced with life changing obstacles in our lives so it will not make your life easier by trying to destroy the life of another," he added.