Is that you, Mshoza?

15 November 2016 - 16:11
By TshisaLIVE
Image: Mshoza Mshoza

We did a double take when we saw this pic of Mshoza.

The singer has been very open about her skin lightning, but recently shut down speculation that she was obsessed with 'making herself white'.

Mshoza has said that she has a mystery condition and that is the reason she is on medication and has procedures.

While she has never revealed what the condition is, she has previously been lambasted for changing her appearance.

Earlier this year she caused a stir when she underwent numerous procedures to look more like her idol, Nicki Minaj.

But maybe she also just needs a new make-up artist. Cause the difference in these two snaps is more than a few shades.


A photo posted by McRain (@mshozabhoza1) on

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