IN MEMES: Twitter 'needs counselling' after last night's Please Step In

Twitter users believe they need therapy after watching another heart-wrenching episode of Mzansi Magic's Please Step In, where rape and heartbreak were evidently tearing a family apart.
The show's host Angie Diale sat down with a family who approached the relationship-themed reality show for intervention. The mother opened up about being raped when she was younger, which led to her not showing affection to her children. Her "withdrawal" led to her daughters feeling abandoned and as a result found themselves fighting with their mother.
Executive producer of the show Basetsana Kumalo also took to her Instagram to share how hard it is to produce such an emotional show, which reveals real issues faced in families.
"Producing this show is not easy, the painful stories from our people leave one distressed but the fact that people write to us wanting to resolve family issues, gives hope to many that there is possible light at end of the tunnel, no matter the past," she wrote.
Twitter users filled the platform with comments and memes:
I feel like we also need counselling after watching such a deep episode #PleaseStepIn
— Goku (@HeIsAnAnalyst) September 19, 2017
The way some children grew up its so painful.
— Mbalenhle Zulu (@enhleO_o) September 19, 2017
God please forgive me for being ungrateful sometimes.#PleaseStepIn
Everytime i watch #PleaseStepIn I feel like I need is too much
— BlackManAlwaysWins (@Pappas5683) September 19, 2017
Asnath is only a year older than her sister but all the stress and struggles have aged her so much. Black pain is so real #PleaseStepIn
— SlightlySavage🔥 (@Tsholo_k) September 19, 2017
This mother doesn't look hurt or even moved by all the suffering her children have endured as a result of her abandoning them #PleaseStepIn
— Zamore (@JustZamore) September 19, 2017
Idk what to say. Too much. Ukuthi laboSisi bami today after impilo enzima kanje. I respect them. #PleaseStepIn
— Khathide (@Njabulokubheka8) September 19, 2017
Be grateful for the little things you have,people are going through the most out there #PleaseStepIn
— Success 👑 👑 👑 (@Katleho_Katz) September 19, 2017
— 🎈 (@Your_Muse_WeWe) September 19, 2017
I can't 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Sometimes families don't realise how much they are hurting, dragging us down, and killing us...
— (@Bibigarcialive1) September 19, 2017
Issss too much!!!