Zodwa Wabantu: I want to try and stop drinking in 2018

31 December 2017 - 16:00
By TshisaLIVE
Zodwa is determined to make more cash in 2018.
Image: TshisaLIVE The naked truth with Zodwa Wabantu Zodwa is determined to make more cash in 2018.

As 2017 wraps up, the time for new goals and dreams is on many people's minds. We spoke to Zodwa Wabantu about her plans for the new year, what she wants to leave behind in 2017 and her hopes for Mzansi.

TshisaLIVE: Resolutions or nah? 

Zodwa Wabantu: I don’t have resolutions, but I want to stop drinking. I don’t want to put myself under pressure though, otherwise I won't stop.

TL: Looking back at the year, did you do everything you wanted to achieve?

ZW: God is great. I wouldn’t say I planned to meet DJ Tira or being Zodwa Wabantu  - the celebrity. But I have. And I'm travelling the world. Glory be to God.

TL: What are your future goals?

ZW: I want to save money after building my house. And then hopefully I will open a business that will sustain me.

TL: What are your hopes for Mzansi in 2018?

ZW: We should learn to accept and love one another. We should stop gossiping about one another and oppressing one another. Women who are abused by their partners end up abusing their employees  and I hope it will come to an end.

TL: What can just stay in 2017?

ZW: Jealousy. I hope we can learn to love each other and not be jealous about each other's success.

TL:  If you had to hashtag 2018 what would it be and why?

ZW: #NoWomenAbuse. Women should realise the power they have. We just need men to have sex, but apart from that, women are independent and can do most things themselves.