IN MEMES: OPW bride confesses she cheated to get hubby's attention

08 January 2018 - 10:34 By TshisaLIVE
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Twitter was left shocked by Hope's confession to Moses.
Twitter was left shocked by Hope's confession to Moses.
Image: Via Mzansi Magic Twitter

Our Perfect Wedding bride, Hope, was dubbed a leader by Twitter after she confessed to cheating on her boyfriend-turned-husband to get him to propose.

As people start putting their new year resolutions into practice last night's episode of the show seemed to have inspired some women to do relationships differently this year. 

Hope met Moses through a mutual friend back in 2011 and they were friends for about a year before they got into a relationship. 

Their relationship went through its fair share of ups and downs, which included Hope cheating on Moses to get him to be more "serious" about her. She said she "cheated with a purpose" and got her man to put a ring on it.

Twitter expressed themselves through a string of memes:

Tweeps were also convinced that Venda people seem to be coming for everything this year!

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