REVIEW: Back For More is a little piece of Mandoza

Tuesday marked what would have been Mandoza's 40th birthday and his new song Back For More is just one reminder of his legendary sound.
Here's a brief review of the song, which is an attempt to keep Mandoza's legacy alive.
The beat immediately lets you know the song is a Mandoza song. It's very much a kwaito song, and almost sounds like he fused a couple of his older hits to produce this one.
In true Mandoza style, the chorus is catchy and easy to remember.
"I keep coming back for more", it goes, then enter Mandoza with the famous "Huh huh huh" thing he does in his songs. You know it, it's in all his songs.
I have to admit that the song is missing something, it needs a little bit more Mandoza.
That rough voice doesn't come through as strongly as in his other songs such Godoba or Nkalakatha.
Nonetheless, there's no denying Back For More is a Mandoza song and it also has a nostalgic feel to it... probably the 90s kwaito element in there. There's also a strong guitar in there that will sure strike a cord with Mandoza's die-hard fans.
One can't help but wonder how his live performances would have been. The song makes you imagine the Nkalakatha musician in his prime, wearing his leather jacket and just going for it.
Back For More which is one of the songs Mandoza was working on before he died, was meant to have been blasting across all available platforms as a celebration of his life but was delayed.
Speaking to TshisaLIVE Mpho said her team was still in the process of ensuring that the song is made available on all platforms as promised. However, it is already available on iTunes.
She explained that her first priority on Wednesday, was making sure her kids' first day back at school went smoothly.
"It was a hectic day, way busy than I anticipated but the kids were going to school and I also had interviews in addition to trying to make sure the song is on all platforms by end of business today. In the evening we going to have dinner with the kids and I'll be listening to their first day stories and I can't wait because they were so excited."