WATCH: Who would have thought polony could be so funny? Only in SA!

06 March 2018 - 12:17
By Chrizelda Kekana
People are devastated that their skhaftins (lunch box) will now be empty.
Image: 123rf/ John Mcnamara People are devastated that their skhaftins (lunch box) will now be empty.

On Sunday it was announced that the source of listeria had been tracked down to an Enterprise Foods factory in Limpopo, leading to the immediate removal of processed meats, including polony, from shelves.

It is the world's biggest outbreak of listeria and has seen over 100 people die as a result.

As South African rushed to return their food, Mzansi  had zero chill. 

There was a genuine concern about the change of kasi menus, with many saying the kota (bunny chow) and amagwinya (vetkoek) are under attack. People also struggled to understand how they would pack a skhaftin (lunch box) without polony.

Here are some of the hilarious reactions.

After the source of the listeria outbreak in the country was identified on February 4 2018, South Africans were distraught over giving up kotas took to Twitter to share funny memes on an otherwise...

And there's a song. This is Mzansi fam!