Every now and then life gives you difficult cross roads and for HHP the birth of his first born son 14-years-ago changed his life forever, and he reflected on how he walked out of his exam on the day his then girlfriend went into labour.
The rapper aka Jabba said when he heard that his then girlfriend was in labour he was busy writing his film analysis exam at Wits University.
Jabba explained that he was given an ultimatum: Stay, finish exam and pass or leave mid-exam and fail to repeat the course another year.
"Exactly this time 14 years ago I walked out of my film analysis exam because I got the sms 'my water broke'. Ian my then lecturer turned invigilator; told me if I walk out I will have to repeat the year. I explained why I had to leave but he insisted that if I walk out - I will fail. I left."
HHP made it clear that he was grateful he left and that the decision changed the direction of his life.
"I returned the following year to try to repeat and I had become so famous I couldn’t get to the end of the registration line. To this day I remind Leano that he’s my living breathing film degree. Tomorrow he turns 14-years-old," he wrote.
Leano turns 14 today, May 31.
Happy Birthday to the young man.