"There are so many moments that I share with the world and then there are moments that I want to keep for myself! Getting married was one of those moments! Our relationship was so new breaking up and making up and we had a lot of growing up to do but we was so in love we didn't want to lose each other."
She said they decided to get married one morning.
"Was one morning in September we woke up and decided to get married. We found someone to marry us, and she did, just the two of us and my cousin. I said I do, with no dress no make up and no ring!
"I appreciate and love my husband so much for still wanting for me have that special moment that every girl dreams of when he got down on his knee and put a ring on my finger and he did that for me!! Well now since you lil nosey f*cks know at least ya can stop saying I had a baby out of wedlock."