OPINION | How far will you follow your fave celeb in the 'fake rage' race?
It's funny because most of the time they say one thing and do the opposite. Some celebs really don't even deserve to lead any kind of discourse.

Every time there's an outrage of some sort on these social media streets, we (fans) follow the leader (celebrities and influencers) in spewing lava at whoever is responsible, then they go and change their tune, leaving us in the dust... almost all the time.
When will we learn?
Influence has blinded us to the human element of the people we follow and celebrate, which I believe is the reason it hurts so bad when they disappoint us and remind us that they are human too.
Y'all remember how hurt we were after Tbo Touch essentially sold us out in the #DataMustfall fight? I'm still hurting just thinking about it and so much time has passed.
I was reminded of the hurt recently after Gucci decided it was a good idea to have a "blackface style" sweater because they are fashion forward or whatever they call it. As usual, we lost our minds over it, spat fire at Gucci and then...radio silence.
We moved on to the next thing and our faves went back to wearing their expensive Gucci heels and rapping about Gucci like nothing ever happened.
It hit me that as fans we need a reality check.
While celebs may have once upon a time been like us (and are essentially human) there are levels to this life thing and perhaps we need to stop following celebs so blindly.
I am almost amused every time we are angry over something and wait to hear their opinions on the matter, so we could follow the same narrative. It's funny because most of the time they say one thing and then do the opposite. In my opinion, some of these celebs really don't even deserve to lead any kind of discourse.
And I'm not just talking about boycotts of brands or calling out racism, sexism, white privilege etc. This includes their own endorsement deals.
Like think about how many times your fave unknowingly tweeted from one brand while singing praises of the other one. Or half of your faves tell you to use a product, they would never even try on their family members.
It almost feels "extra" wrong when you are deceived by an "opinion leader" and to be honest we should have learnt our lessons by now.
When you think about it, it's easy to see how your celebrities are quick to bend their integrity to get their money. You know that given the same chance, you would probably do the same thing.
Since the rise of social media revolution, it is a lot easier to join the cause and stand in solidarity with the celebs we look up to. We can be outraged when big brands such as Gucci, Zara and even Dove offend us, but how real is it?
When mass media gained its popularity it quickly became a tool for propaganda. Social media was supposed to be a bit more individualised so people could make up their own minds. As it turns out, many still prefer the bandwagon and the people pulling the wagons... well are mostly looking out for number one.
I could use this piece to ask them to do better as influencers and opinion leaders but that won't change anything and it may even be unfair to them. I mean who am I to tell them who or what they must be any way?
But I think it worth saying to us (the followers) we need to stop putting our trust in celebrities and pining our hopes on them. Everyone needs to take the bull by the horns and if it happens that we are all leaning towards one side, then great! If not, don't be afraid to lead your own revolution.
Because essentially you are on your own. So make up your own mind.