How comedy helps Trevor Gumbi deal

'Sometimes it's difficult to talk about my struggles'

25 April 2019 - 08:00
By Kyle Zeeman
Comedian Trevor Gumbi says talking about his struggles has helped him deal.
Image: Gallo Images/Oupa Bopape Comedian Trevor Gumbi says talking about his struggles has helped him deal.

Comedian Trevor Gumbi may be going through the most at the moment, but he says that comedy has helped him deal with many of his struggles.

Trevor left his followers on social media concerned when he took to Instagram last week to speak about his struggles to keep getting up when life knocks him down. 

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Trevor said that he was going through a hard time, but found that talking about it on stage helped him to deal with the sometimes intense emotions he was feeling.

The star is among several leading comedians that will be performing at the Comedy Mash Up show at the Lyric Theatre at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg on May 10.

The show will also feature Donovan Goliath, Conrad Koch & Chester Missing, Nina Hastie, TolA$$ Mo and Lindy Johnson.

Trevor said that like at most of his shows, he will speak about where he is at in his life.

"I will update people with all the weird and wonderful things that are going on in my life. One of the biggest things is my kids going to high school and me trying to not live vicariously through them."

While Trevor has always found a comedic way to address his divorce, mental illness and his previous addiction to drugs; he said that sometimes it can get really rough.

"I find comedy like therapy. People go to therapy to talk about their issues. I have thousands of therapists. People I can talk to. But sometimes when it is really fresh, it is difficult. Time heals and allows you to talk about it more easily. It is like that with everyone, talking about it helps so much."

Trevor said that he chose to talk about his bad days so that they don't become bad weeks or years.

"It is important to talk about it and unpack. I post about my struggles so that others can see they are not alone and to give them hope. But you also want to be careful that you don't overshare on social media and then become a target."