Women unite! Lexi turns to fans for breastfeeding advice and tips pour in

25 April 2019 - 09:08
By Jessica Levitt
Lexi has turned to her fans for advice.
Image: Instagram/@LexiVan Lexi has turned to her fans for advice.

New mom Lexi Van is embracing motherhood and all the challenges that come with it. She recently turned to her more than 70,000 followers on Instagram, asking for help on how to produce more milk.

In the post, Lexi was holding a baby bottle containing her breastmilk.

She said the footage was taken a few days earlier, after she had expressed for the first time.

"Any tips, preferably all natural, on how I can produce more milk? My boobs are full, but baby could finish between feeds."

The comments section was soon filled with advice on how to produce more milk. Lexi replied to many of the posts, dismissing some, while taking others to heart.
