Here’s how you can catch The Radio Awards from the comfort of your couch today

Winners for 2020 will be announced at 2pm

17 April 2020 - 12:00
SABC radio stations, including Ukhozi FM, have won at The Radio Awards in previous years.
Image: Unsplashed SABC radio stations, including Ukhozi FM, have won at The Radio Awards in previous years.

On Friday afternoon the SA radio industry will celebrate its stars with the highly-anticipated 10th edition of The Radio Awards, which will take place online for your viewing pleasure.

The announcements, which have previously been celebrated with a gala dinner attended by peers, will this year take place online due to the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown.

Fans will get to celebrate their favourite radio station from the comfort of their own homes, and with the company of popular comedian Loyiso Madinga, who is MC of the awards.

Viewers will be treated to Loyiso’s uniquely engaging style of humour and wit, promising to make the event a highlight for stay-at-home audiences during lockdown.

This year saw The Radio Awards set new records in terms of entries received, at more than 2,000, and the stations participating. On top of that, voting in the My Station listener’s choice category saw 890,000 online votes received from radio audiences across the country.

“We are unbelievably grateful for the support The Radio Awards has received from the industry, listeners and members of the National Association of Broadcasters. 

“We feel it’s incredibly important to recognise the hard work and diligence stations have shown in submitting high quality entries. It’s clear the awards are prized and highly valued. This is why we’ve been working non-stop (and remote from our team members) to deliver the best online awards show possible, especially during these very difficult times for our country," said Arena Holdings’ events division head Taryn Westoby.

The Radio Awards winners for 2020 will be announced today at 2pm.

To watch The Radio Awards online ceremony, people are advised to register here.

This will allow you to receive the links, and a reminder to log in and get comfortable  before the awards ceremony kicks off.  

See you there. You don't wanna miss this one.