Musician and TV personality Nandi Madida recently had a conversation with satirist Lesego Tlhabi, popularly known as Coconut Kelz, about racism in private schools.
In an Instagram Live chat on Monday, the pair shared their stories in light of the Black Lives Matter movement in the US and around the world,, as well as the alleged racism incident that was shared by former pupils from Durban Girls' College last week.
Here are five important quotes from the conversations
The first incident
“My first incident of knowing that there was racism at my school was with our names. It was very 'micro' but I remember when I said my name was Lesego and [the teachers] were like, ‘Hi Lilly’. I used to hate that name but also felt very powerless to say anything.” — Lesego
“The first 'macro' racism inside [school] was when I was in grade 6 and I had two white best friends. One of them picked up a hat that was lying around ad they said, ‘Ew! This smells like a K-word’.” — Lesego
White tears
“White tears are very fragile. The minute a white girl or woman cries, the whole world is quick to label black girls and woman as ‘angry’.” — Lesego
“One generation of privilege and 400 years of privilege are not the same thing.” — Nandi
“Karens [entitled girls or women] always get so affected by the smallest and smartest things black people do - even at schools.” — Nandi