Somizi lambastes people 'hating' on the successful black woman!
“I say screw them ... you just be and let them suffer in their self inflicted misery,” Somizi said.

Somizi has encouraged black women to live out their fullest potential even when the world tries to dim their light constantly.
Somgaga made record-breaking gymnast Simone Biles his #WomanCrushWednesday and shared his thoughts on the constant “put her down” mentality that seems to be applied every time a black woman rises against all odds to victory.
“I empathise more with black women ... in my view they are at the bottom of the receiving end when it comes to this statement (quote on the Simone snap he shared) ... White men being at the top, followed by white women, then all races in between ... with black men just above black women.
“Black women cannot boldly and proudly say this statement, why? Because they will intimidate their black men and end up being alone because a black man has to be the head of the family and a woman must be submissive all the time and dim their light to make them feel like real men ... and not emasculate them,” Somizi said.
The Dinner with Somizi host said black women faced oppression in every aspects of their lives and no matter what mountain they overcome, there is always another challenge awaiting them.
He expressed frustration that people found it easy to question a black woman's success and the merit of her achievements and then, when that didn't work, they often discouraged the black woman from being proud of her hard work, and claim it will make her look “cocky and arrogant” when she apparently needs to be “humble all the time”.
Somizi went on to slam black women who hate on other black women.
“But just when u think the black woman has heard it all ... the next backlash would come from her very own black sisters, which will make it even harder for her to shine her light because the very same people who are supposed to defend and support her are the same people who drag her down,” Somizi said.
Read his full motivational post below:
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