Mark Pilgrim reflects on Covid-19 health scare: ‘It has been the biggest struggle in years’

23 June 2021 - 13:00 By cebelihle bhengu
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Media personality Mark Pilgrim has been sharing his Covid-19 journey on social media.
Media personality Mark Pilgrim has been sharing his Covid-19 journey on social media.
Image: Instagram/ Mark Pilgrim

Broadcaster Mark Pilgrim is finally reunited with his loved ones after battling a Covid-19 scare.

After documenting his journey on social media for the past two weeks, he shared a picture of himself hugging his two daughters on Tuesday.

“After two weeks, there are simply no words,” he wrote on the picture. 

On Monday, he said the scare has been “the biggest struggle in years mentally and physically”.

This is not your first rodeo, but what made this one unique, you had to do this one without your loved ones in the same room. You had to do it while hearing of so many people around you with the same symptoms not making it.

You’ve been strong. And honestly, in those moments when you felt like you wanted to break down and crumble, you remembered those who love you and the 1000s of well-wishers rooting for you.

"The collective thoughts and prayers lifting you up off the floor to fight some more. No big steps, but every shuffle forward is a victory,” he wrote. 

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