‘My wife has finally accepted’ — Felix Hlophe is planning a polygamous marriage

13 May 2024 - 10:34 By KGOMOTSO MOGANEDI
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Felix Hlophe has received the green light from his wife to pursue polygamy.
Felix Hlophe has received the green light from his wife to pursue polygamy.
Image: Instagram/ Felix Hlophe

Gagasi FM breakfast host and comedian Felix Hlophe plans to wed a second wife.

It is believed Felix has been juggling his love attention between his wife Tracy and soon to be wife Ayanda for months.

Felix is ready to turn his mistress Ayanda into his second wife. Tracy is from Pietermaritzburg and is staying with Felix in Westville, Durban, while Ayanda is from Durban.

Sources close to the situation suggest he has been waiting for the green light from Tracy to accept Ayanda as his second wife,

"It's not easy for any wife to accept polygamy arrangements. It took months for him to persuade Tracy to enter into such a marriage. At first we wondered who is the woman always having dinner with him until recently we saw him with Tracy and Ayanda in Umhlanga having lunch at a restaurant", said a source.

Another source said: "Felix is looking forward to tie the knot with uMamncane (Ayanda) in September, but everything will be done according to Ndlunkulu (Tracy), Hlophe has received blessings from his elders."

TshisaLive contacted Felix, who confirmed the news: "Yes, my wife has finally accepted uAyanda to be my second wife. I can't say much but soon there will be wedding celebrations."

When Tracy and Ayanda were contacted for comment, they referred TshisaLive to Felix.

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