Pros and cons of group fitness with Zinhle Masango

The fitness junkie gives a breakdown on what to expect before committing

17 May 2024 - 13:28
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Nutritionist and fitness expert Zinhle Masango.
Nutritionist and fitness expert Zinhle Masango.
Image: Supplied

Whether it's at different gyms or taking part in fitness challenges, group workouts have become a popular way for friends and fitness fanatics to get into shape.

While the trend has been seen as a positive step towards staying motivated to achieve your fitness goals, we speak to fitness expert Zinhle Mahlangu, who breaks down the pros and cons.

As part of Kellanova's recent wellness campaign for the new Kellogg’s Granola Wellness Range at its Flourish Fest, Mahlangu hosted a boot camp for attendees and shared the following on what to consider before committing to group workouts.


  • Motivation: exercising in a group can boost motivation as you're surrounded by like-minded individuals striving towards similar goals.
  • Accountability: group settings provide a sense of accountability, making it harder to skip sessions or slack off.
  • Social interaction: it's an excellent opportunity to socialise and build connections which can enhance overall wellbeing.
  • Structured workouts: group classes often offer structured routines led by trained instructors, ensuring a well-rounded workout.
  • Variety: classes usually offer different exercises, keeping workouts fresh and engaging.


  • Lack of individualisation: group workouts may not cater to individual fitness levels or specific needs, potentially leading to overexertion or underachievement.
  • Crowded spaces: busy classes can mean crowded spaces, limiting personal space and sometimes causing distractions.
  • Schedule dependence: group classes run on specific schedules which may not always align with individual availability.
  • Potential intimidation: some individuals might feel intimidated by the group setting, specially if they're new to exercise or feel self-conscious.
  • Less flexibility: group classes offer less flexibility in terms of choosing workout intensity, focus areas or specific exercises, compared to individual workouts.

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