The king has cancer, long live 'The Crown'

The royal drama allows no peace for the slightly underwhelming king with surprising ears and a troublesome son, writes Aspasia Karras

18 February 2024 - 00:00

They have to make another season of The Crown. “Not The Crown”, you cry! Haven’t they milked those poor blue bloods with questionable access to their emotions enough? But this stuff is too good not to be televised — practically in real time. Last week, King Charles was diagnosed with cancer. You'd be hard pressed to have missed this news — though, to be fair, it is the kind of plot twist that reads more like a midweek episode on the Beautiful and Damned. News outlets are dedicated to real time coverage of the story. Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East pale into insignificance when this human tragedy unfolds at a palace near you.  ..

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