SNAPS | Inside Linda Mtoba and daughter’s play date

10 June 2023 - 12:00
By Constance Gaanakgomo
Linda Mtoba had a play date for baby Beanie.
Image: Instagram/Linda Mtoba Linda Mtoba had a play date for baby Beanie.

Linda Mtoba recently organised a play date for baby Bean, and it looked adorbs.

Taking to her Instagram timeline she shared snaps of the day, when mommies and babies were having what looked like a fun-filled day. 

From face-painting to games and a jumping castle, the little kids were spoilt for choice. 

“What a perfect day it was,” she captioned the snaps.

While Bean was a toddler, the mother of one assured mothers struggling with an identity crisis post-partum they were not alone. She shared her own experiences with the struggle.

I’d have days where I’d cry trying to get dressed because my favourite pieces didn’t look flattering. The dress or jeans that did what they needed to do, just didn't.”

It’s guttering, all while being wrapped in a beautiful love bubble with the most precious thing you’ve ever loved but 'hating' yourself at same time.”

The actress admitted the ordeal made her feel lonely because she often felt like no-one truly understood what she was going through. 

“It’s lonely. Because you feel no-one could possibly understand. You’re upset because your jeans don’t fit. You have a beautiful healthy baby. Look on the bright side. So you keep quiet. Wanting to scream 'I too matter'.

But even that feels selfish. Mama, I want you to know you’re not alone. You matter too. You’re not selfish, your pain is valid.”

In an interview with online mag Nounouche, the businesswoman praised her hubby for always having her back and being her support system.

“My husband and I look great together, but it is way deeper, beyond looks. I know, no matter what, he will love me and I will love him just as much. We love each other beyond the superficial.”

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