Winter came, and blankets will cost you loads more than when Game of Thrones aired in 2011: StatsSA

15 April 2019 - 17:31
The cost of a blanket has increased by 17.3% since 2011, when Game of Thrones first aired.
Image: Helen Stills/HBO/Game of Thrones/Instagram The cost of a blanket has increased by 17.3% since 2011, when Game of Thrones first aired.

As the eighth season of Game of Thrones premiered in the early hours of Monday in South Africa, Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) got into the fun accompanying the highly anticipated season by looking at prices of various goods when the series began eight years ago.

It looked at five items and how inflation has affected them since 2011.

StatsSA said the average price of a TV increased by 43.5% from April 2011, while wine has increased by 36.6% in the period.

StatsSA said shedding a tear for your favourite character will set you back R17.96 this per box this season as tissue prices increased by 13% from season 1.

It said while a blanket has increased by 17.3% since 2011, this season was the cheapest to buy a decoder as prices dropped 19.3% since season 1.

StatsSA could not give inflation figures for axes, swords, crowns and castles.

It said these items were currently not in the South African inflation basket.

StatsSA was not the only entity which homed in on the anticipation.

The Masters golf tournament also dropped a Masters/Game of Thrones video on its Twitter account.