City calls for tolerance after noise complaint at District Six mosque

13 May 2019 - 10:09
By Cebelihle Bhengu
The Muir Street Mosque in Cape Town.
Image: Instagram/HelensParrowCT The Muir Street Mosque in Cape Town.

A debate on the importance of upholding and respecting all religions has been sparked on social media after the city of Cape Town received a noise complaint about the historic Muir Street Mosque.

It's understood that a single complaint was received.

Speaking to eNCA, Mayco member for community services and health Zahid Badroodien said the city is legally obliged to investigate the complaint, even if it was lodged by just one person. 

The city of Cape Town has called on residents to practice tolerance and educate themselves, adding that while it is compelled to investigate the matter, the process will have to wait until next month in order to observe the holy month of Ramadaan in May. 

Scores of people, many of whom live in the city, have since taken to Twitter to convey messages of support to the Muslim community.