From bribing a cop to failed grenade plot: How Elsies River woman is allegedly linked to Kinnear’s attempted murder
Parow regional court will on Wednesday decide on Amaal Jantjies’s bail bid

“I want you to give me info when they raid Modack’s place. Ek give you a salary every week. If, for instance, they are on their way to any of Modack’s properties, then you must be able to tell me, ‘Amaal, let Modack know, they are on their way’.”
This was the request made by Amaal Jantjies to the police anti-gang unit’s (AGU) Sgt Ashley Tabisher on November 10 2019.
The request was captured in a conversation recorded by Jantjies during their meeting. The conversation continues, with Jantjies saying she has just given Tabisher R10,000, and in exchange for his assistance, alleged underworld boss Nafiz Modack would pay him a monthly salary.
The recording forms part of the evidence against Jantjies, who is accused of being involved in a botched hand-grenade attack on AGU detective commander Lt-Col Charl Kinnear’s Bishop Lavis home on November 22 2019.
Modack, Jantjies and her lover Janick Adonis are accused of plotting to execute several attacks on Kinnear.
Jantjies claims the grenade attack was part of an elaborate trap planned by the AGU to catch Modack in the act of planning Kinnear’s assassination.
In the recording, after discussing the practical obstacles to feeding Modack with information and the possible repercussions of being linked to him, Tabisher appears to reluctantly agree to help Jantjies.
The Parow regional court will on Wednesday decide on Jantjies’s bail bid. Adonis abandoned his bail bid as he is already serving a jail sentence for a gang-related case.
Cellphone evidence which forms part of Hawks warrant officer Trevor Shaw’s affidavit, presented in court last week as part of the state’s opposition to Jantjies’s bail bid, suggests Jantjies made the recording to prove to Modack that she had corrupted Tabisher.
In her WhatsApp correspondences with Modack, which also form part of the evidence, she asks him when she can see him to play him the recording.
In exchange for her help, the state alleges, Jantjies wanted Modack’s help to secure an urgent bail appeal in the Western Cape High Court for Adonis, who was on trial on gang-related attempted murder charges in the Khayelitsha magistrate’s court, where he was denied bail.
In the recording her desperation — which the state describes as an obsession — to keep Adonis out of jail is captured in her own words when she suggests to Tabisher the welfare of her and her children depends on the welfare of Adonis.
Using Tabisher’s nickname, Pappie, Jantjies says: “I’m suffering out here, Pappie. I can’t any longer.”
She adds: “All this I do just to get [Adonis] out of jail and to keep my children alive, Pappie. A mother will do anything for her children.”
The day after the meeting between Jantjies and Tabisher, where the latter had allegedly received R10,000 in cash, Jantjies had another meeting with AGU boss Lt-Col André Lincoln and AGU captain Franklin Stone and Tabisher at the unit’s base.
“During this meeting [on November 11 2019] she informed them that Adonis will be bringing an appeal bail application in the high court, and that if he was successful in being released on bail that he would proceed to plead not guilty at trial, but if his application fails, he would rather plead guilty,” said Shaw.
“She wanted to know if there was anything they could do to have the court impose a more lenient sentence, or to aid him in making a success of his bail application in the high court,” he said.
However, according to the state, she and Tabisher were keeping a secret from the officers in the room. Not only was Tabisher receiving money from Modack through her, but allegedly unbeknown to Lincoln and Stone, Modack was also bankrolling Adonis’s high court bail bid which she was asking their help to secure.
According to Shaw, Lincoln told Jantjies that Adonis’s information about criminal activity was not consistent and looked like a one-off thing. He also asked whether Adonis had better and more worthwhile information for the police.
Shaw said Jantjies told them the reason Adonis stopped providing information to them was because there was nothing in it for him.
“She was told Lincoln needed to show that Adonis worked constantly for them. They needed a file to say on this day and that day he did this and that for them,” said Shaw.
According to Shaw, Lincoln told her the magistrate in the Khayelitsha case did not want to see him and he could not interfere in Adonis’s cases.
Shaw said a recording of the November 11 meeting at the AGU base was retrieved from Jantjies’s phone.
By this time Modack had allegedly already given her a car and a cellphone and she had already allegedly corrupted Tabisher, but Shaw pointed out there is no mention of this during the meeting. Neither does Lincoln ask her for her assistance in apprehending Modack, placing in serious doubt her claims that she was working at the behest of the AGU.
The next day, November 12 2019, Jantjies gave Tabisher information about a firearm hidden in a field in Clark Estate, Delft. Tabisher and other AGU members met at the Delft police station where she gave them the location. At the location the officers found a revolver and 30 Mandrax tables.
“It would appear Adonis and the applicant [Jantjies] supplied AGU members with information relating to seizures of firearms in the hope they could present favourable circumstances for Adonis to be released on bail or to receive a more lenient sentence,” said Shaw.
“It is also convenient that, every time Adonis had to appear at court, the applicant would supply information to the AGU about a firearm,” he said.
The cellphone correspondence between Jantjies and Modack suggests Jantjies bought the firearm herself in an attempt to win favour with the AGU.
Most of the actors who would allegedly plot and attempt to execute hits on Kinnear had by now entered the scene and events would soon escalate.
“On November 13 2019, Stone received a call from Adonis, who warned him that Modack, a known underworld figure, knew that Lincoln and Kinnear were in Johannesburg and there were four Ukrainians looking for them to kill them, but they could not find Lincoln and Kinnear,” said Shaw.
Shaw said Stone was at that time not aware that Lincoln and Kinnear were in Johannesburg and he immediately called them and told them about the alleged hit. He also drafted a threat report which he submitted to National Intelligence.
Lincoln would later confirm in his affidavit that he and Kinnear were in Johannesburg on that date.
The next day, November 14, not far from Kinnear’s home in 11th Street, Bishop Lavis, Lt-Col Andre Kay was shot dead in his driveway by an unknown assailant.
According to Shaw, Kinnear attended the crime scene with Tabisher. While there, Tabisher received a call from a police officer at the Khayelitsha regional court, where Adonis was appearing on the day, saying Adonis wanted to speak to the AGU and had information about Kay’s murder.
“Tabisher informed Lincoln, who requested that Adonis be escorted to the AGU base after his court proceedings,” said Shaw.
Cellphone records would show that while Adonis was in the court holding cells he was visited by Jantjies and was able to make contact with Modack on her cellphone.
Modack told him to write down the contents of a message before the message was deleted. The state alleges this message contained Kinnear’s home address.
In Jantjies’s reply to Modack, she sends a voice note asking: “Can Mr M just tell me what this is about, please, because I’m going to see Mr J now. Just tell me what that information is for.”
Another voice note is then sent from Jantjies’s phone, this time it is allegedly Adonis’s voice saying: “Yes bru, it’s me Janick. Look here, the girl is here with me in the hole now. I’m going to appear again soon. How are things looking now?”
The state alleges Modack then again sends the message containing Kinnear’s address before deleting it.
“Look here, what is this? I’m going to the base now you see, vir Goveric’s stuff for tomorrow, man. What is it that you want me to do? Speak, brother, I don’t have lots of time,” Adonis responded in a voice note.
Modack replies: “That’s the right adr I give u.” (sic)
He sends another message, saying: “He will no what to do”. (sic)
Adonis replies in a voice note: “Old Moe, my bru, phone me quickly, man. Jirre, man. Let me get your voice.”
He follows up with a text message: “It’s me janick.” (sic)
He then sends a follow up voice note: “My bru, Mo’e, listen, I’m leaving here in 10 minutes you see. Tell me now what must happen? Do I have to make it happen tonight or what?”
According to the cellphone correspondence, Jantjies then tells Modack she will provide him with a number on which to contact Adonis because he just wanted to hear Modack’s voice.
The next part of Shaw’s affidavit details the events just before the attempted grenade attack, during which time five alleged desperate and haphazard plans would be conjured to attack the Kinnear family home.