Sunday Times Politics Weekly

PODCAST | ActionSA lays down the line for coalitions

14 April 2023 - 07:00
By Mike Siluma
ActionSA national chair Michael Beaumont.
Image: Sharon Seretlo ActionSA national chair Michael Beaumont.

Amid continuing uncertainty in the leadership of metros in Gauteng, ActionSA has tabled motions of no confidence against mayor Thapelo Amad and speaker of Johannesburg, Colleen Makhubele. 

This follows media interviews in which Amad has been unable to articulate the city's stance on key service delivery issues. In a recent interview with the SABC, Amad attempted to explain a R9bn loan deal he says he secured to fund “service delivery issues” and a “smart city”.

On the other hand, the party is said to also be going after Joburg speaker Makhubele for her alleged claim of ill-health as an excuse to abandon her duties.

The Patriotic Alliance has announced it will vote in favour of ActionSA’s motion of no confidence against Amad.

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In this episode of the Sunday Times Politics weekly podcasts, host Mike Siluma is joined by ActionSA national chair Michael Beaumont to discuss what seems like a drastic step, and other issues afflicting party coalitions including the continued political instability seen in some of the country's big metros such as Tshwane and Joburg. 

Beaumont says ahead of the 2024 national elections, voters ought to look at how political parties behave in coalitions and not solely focus on their party policies and leaders. 

“The future of South African politics is in coalitions,” he says. 

The discussion touches on the party's vision for the way forward, including the coalition partners the party is willing to work with, and those they won't touch, such as “unambiguously” the ANC and the EFF. 

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The podcast is hosted by Sunday Times deputy editor Mike Siluma and produced by Demi Buzo. 


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