Sex Survey

What gets you going in bed? Take this survey & let us uncover SA's sexy side

The Sunday Times Lifestyle sex survey is quick, fun and strictly confidential - so don't be afraid to be completely honest!

10 October 2017 - 15:28
By Staff reporter
Help us uncover what Mzansi gets up to behind bedroom doors.
Image: iStock Help us uncover what Mzansi gets up to behind bedroom doors.

Sex is a simple thing, yet it’s also so complicated. Your sex life doesn’t always remain the same – sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s lukewarm, other times it’s nonexistent. 

What is your sex life currently like? What kind of sex are South Africans having? How open is Mzansi to using toys in the bedroom? The Sunday Times Lifestyle magazine wants to know all of this and more. 

We've teamed up with Ratepop to create a quick, fairly comprehensive – and really fun - sex survey.

Simply CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY via Facebook Messenger and share a bit about yourself. Click the blue Get Started tab at the bottom.

Don't worry, your identity will be kept completely secret. Only your answers will be used to compile the results of the survey – so don’t be afraid to be completely honest!

The results of the survey will be revealed in the Sunday Times Lifestyle magazine on Sunday, November 5 2017, so you'll be able to find out what your fellow South Africans are getting up to behind closed doors (hopefully).