Your weekly stars March 10-18

17 March 2024 - 00:00
By Linda Shaw
The latest news in store for Pisces.
Image: 123RF/captainvector The latest news in store for Pisces.


February 19 – March 20

What do you believe in? What is your life purpose? You’ll be asking these questions now — dashing about like a loony, looking for answers. Remember, this isn’t about one person giving you the right answer. It’s about slowly discovering what’s right for you. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Meanwhile, social life picks up on Friday. And  your career will soon need some focused attention. And yes, you can easily fit it all in. You’re much more talented than you know.  


March 21 – April 19

Nothing wrong with your week. Or at least your career. And sure, you may have to let the personal life cope on its own for a while. But what the heck? When you’re rich and famous, there’ll be presents and time for everyone. Okay, so it’s not that simple. But you really would be crazy to let this week’s chances pass you by. When you can, have a snooze. Then, get ready for the slog. And if you meet someone gorgeous while slaving away, ask for a rain check. A brief one.  


20 April – 20 May

Those mildly stodgy ideas are being laughed at — and you’re being forced to revise your thoughts. Not a bad thing. The fires of competition and passion have been lit and, let’s face it, you’re much more creative when you’re thinking on your feet. Still, if you can keep the focus off winning and on experimenting, you could easily invent a cure for cancer. Or a revolutionary scalpel. Best option — delegate and share. It’s time to unearth the real you.  


May 21 – June 20 

Handling the love life has never been your greatest gift. So try seeing your love as a supportive friend — and move forward from there. Intimacy is something that will have to sneak up on you — like a mild-mannered earthquake. While you’re waiting, have a chat with the siblings. That old competitive streak doesn’t disappear just because you’ve grown up. There are some ancient issues still to be resolved. It’s the perfect time.  


June 21 – July 22

Moves and property deals glide through with ease. Your career is managing itself — rather well, actually. And you’re left to focus on the home. If there’s family there, spend some time. If it’s a decoration issue, buy some paint. And if you’re looking for love, say yes to the parties. Money and love come from the same source now — social interaction. And if a business partnership is on the cards, grab it. All that’s needed now is a dollop of courage.  


July 23 – August 22

Your search for deeper understanding leads you on an unexpected adventure. Prepare to make some radical decisions, with your long-term fulfilment in mind. People at home will be offering advice from every corner. Listen and absorb — and then make up your own mind. Guilt is for yesterday. Love and happiness are your “now” energies. But if the current relationship must end to make way for another, be kind. Let change happen at its own pace.  


August 23 – September 22 

The focus is on your career. Your ideas are brilliant, and attention is being lavished. And sure, you’re working harder than you’ve done in ages. But the support — especially from family — is enough to knock your socks off. Meanwhile, with all this attention coming your way, there’ll be requests to speak. Yes, in public. So how about a speaking course? Then, if you have a spare moment, diarise a day off mid-week. You’ll need the rest.   


September 23 – October 22 

If you’ve been thinking of forming partnerships in foreign lands, book that ticket now. A hint of the unusual is what you’re after — and with your mind at its peak, your only difficulty lies in choosing between delights. Keep a door open for opportunities that may make no sense at the time. This is an exciting time for you. Also the perfect moment to enrol in an exotic course — psychology or magic, for example. Expand your skills — any way that feels right.   


October 23 – November 21  

The planet of plod has moved in on your career — reminding you that progress is a ponderous process, and success can be measured in moments rather than leaps. Even so, pay attention as your inner butt-kicking mechanism gets you on your feet. Promotion (complete with more responsibility but the same money) is likely. No point pouting. Take what you can get — and work towards the rest. Love meanwhile, is complicated. Look again next week.  


November 22 – 21 December

Your love life has no idea where it wants to go. So let it stroll about and look around. Might as well. Jealous tantrums won’t get you anywhere but back to the drawing board. Besides, you have more interesting fish to fry. If there’s a book in you, drag it out. Money is coming from all directions — except your own career, which is taking a short breather. Not to worry though. Now’s your chance to track down those long-forgotten dreams — and make them real. 


December 22 – January 19

Money is only part of the picture. So pay attention to every single one of your endless resources. This is a marathon time for you. Set aside frivolity and prepare to make your mark on the world. And sure, lovers and friends may complain at your distance. And if you can somehow include them, you’ll kill two birds with one stone. More likely though, is that you’ll find yourself alone and slogging. For now, don’t let anyone stand in your way. Fix the relationships next week.  


January 20 – February 18

Thinking of tattooing your forehead? Or piercing your elbows? Take note: the urge to change your looks will pass — and you’ll be left with the mad results. Try for something less permanent until you’re sane enough for long-term shifts. Besides, the business world is calling you. So buy a beige suit, and comb your hair. Oh yes, and you’ll be meeting someone very interesting at work. Worth getting gorgeous for. 

Your Chart 

Charlene Baker (21 August 1965, East London, 09h00) 

Sun sign: Leo    Moon sign: Gemini   Rising Sign: Libra 

Part of you longs for stability and security — but it’s only a very small part. The rest of your energies yearn for adventure, madness and unpredictability. You’re terrified of boredom, and secretly ready to cause all sorts of trouble to avoid it. The problem, of course, is that your conscious mind hasn’t been informed of the new plan, and spends much of its time wondering why your life resembles an obstacle course. Relationships are your greatest challenge, since the romance in your heart clashes with the wildness in your soul. The career is more interesting, bringing success as long as you’re never bored. Boredom brings self sabotage. The first step, then, is to ask your real self what it wants. Then find ways to appease your madness without destroying your life. It can be done. But it takes concentrated effort. From November, your life will calm down. Meanwhile, use the next six months to finish the unfinished. A new cycle is already gathering its wits. Success is yours for the taking. Open the gates with a welcoming smile. Behave as though your dreams have already come true.  

Want your chart read?  

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The latest news in store for Pisces.
Image: 123RF/captainvector The latest news in store for Pisces.